This web site was launched to promote public awareness of Maryland's missing and unidentified persons, assist law enforcement and families in finding missing persons, and to provide support and resources for those dealing with missing person situations. Surrounding this website is a network of involved persons: police, forensic specialists, volunteers, family members of missing persons, media, and many more known as the 'Maryland Missing Persons Network,' whose intent is to find the lost.
This web site does list unidentified homicide victims. Although disturbing, the Network decided that not putting them here would withhold the potential for public recognition. I suggest that those with an emotional intolerance to brutality not visit this section. This section is not suitable in any manner for children to view.
We are more than happy to add cases of missing persons in Maryland with exception. The case must be filed with a law enforcement agency. We will not add profiles of lost loves, deadbeat parents, missing classmates, and children caught in child custody battles. We will be happy to answer inquiries of this, but our focus on this site remains dedication to missing persons.
If you have any suggestions, inquiries, information or comments please direct them to [email protected].
Sincerely, Kylen Johnson, Maryland Missing Network
Maryland Missing Person Network |
Dr. Warren Tewes, DDS, MS, is on the faculty of the University of Maryland Dental School and is lead forensic dentist for the Maryland State Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. He is also a member of the Homeland Security's Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team. Dr. Tewes developed the Maryland Dental Database for Missing and Unidentified Persons. Read more about his work at:
Sgt. Don Stahl of the Charles County Sheriff's Office. Sgt. Stahl is a forensic artist providing a valuable resource to Maryland in the way of reconstructions of unidentified victims. His work is featured in the 'forensic artist' section of this site. He is a member of Project Edan, a national group of volunteer forensic artists who provide reconstructions and sketches to police agencies at little or no cost.
Laurie Gilman - is a retired Prince George's County paramedic and one of the key persons in this organization. She resides in Calvert County, MD with her husband.
Marion Derossett - resides in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. She has a personal stake in this, as her brother disappeared for 18 years without a clue. She is happy to assist you, as I am, with any questions or concerns.
Homicide Analyst Roger Cassell, Corporal Linda Lozier, Sgt. Tina Becker, Sgt. John Cook, Sgt. Jack McCauley of the Maryland State Police.
Carla Proudfoot, Director of Maryland's Center for Missing Children, for her expert advice and devotion to bringing Maryland's missing children home. Sgt. Ron Riggins of the state police, Susan Hood, former caseworker at the center for missing children..
John Worden, Anne Brooks, Anne Lane, Lou Ellen Griffin, Pat Stevenson, Karen Neal of Meca. Meca in MD is a support group for families of the missing, an educator on child safety, and a stern force in preventing child abductions. Meca is partnered with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the Baltimore Co Police, and the Maryland State police. In Memory Joan Taavon, who was the President of Meca until her untimely death in November of 2004.
Investigator David Cordell of the Anne Arundel County State's Attorney's office.
Wes Neville of Project Edan. Without a moment's hesitation, Wes has made sketches of several Maryland cases and created age-enhancements and given forensic advice. Wes also serves as the South Carolina area director for the doenetwork.
Detective Rick Robinson, AA county police, has really supported the efforts of the Doenetwork and like organizations and is always wanting to bring the lost home. The Joseph Demarest case (see memorial page) would never have been solved without his tiresome determination. We would also like to recognize
Detective Sheyn Brezniak, Anne Arundel County Police who was running the missing persons unit. More than one family with missing persons in Anne Arundel county has felt he needs to be honored for his dedication and excellence in finding missing persons.
Delegate Jean Cryor, whose concern with vulnerable missing persons led to the Missing and Vulnerable Persons Task Force
Sgt. Roger Thomson, who is a homicide investigator for Montgomery County. Also, the Montgomery County Police for listing this site on its website. Detective Robert Nichols for his tireless devotion to the Vanderbeek case.
Gregory Wims of the Victims Rights Foundation in Montgomery County, Maryland.
Detective Mingle of the Baltimore City Police Department.
Joe Krebs - NBC Cold Case special
Detective Jim Trainum of the DC Metropolitan police has really supported the efforts of the Doenetwork and like organizations and is always wanting to bring the lost home.
Garrett County Sheriff's |
Washington Co. Sheriff's |
Allegany County Sheriff's |
Kenneth Barnes, Sr. - after his son unfortunately became a victim of a homicide, Kenneth reached his hand out to organizations to make a change to prevent future tragedies like the one he endures.
Nancy Monahan, PA director for the Doenetwork. Nancy works tirelessly to find the names of the John/Jane does in PA, and to find the missing in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania.